Capacity at startup

50 MW

Scalable to

60 MW

In operation in


In Delfzijl, within the port and industrial area managed by Groningen Seaports, we are developing a third site for green hydrogen. With this 50 MW plant, we can contribute to the necessary acceleration of the energy transition of industry in East Groningen.

With various green hydrogen projects, Groningen Seaports is profiling itself as one of the hydrogen hubs of the Netherlands. In a fairly short time, we concluded an agreement with the port for the use of a three-hectare site. The future plant has an interesting location: close to an arterial road with TeNNeT's high-voltage substation on one side and a water treatment plant on the other that could eventually take one of our residual products - oxygen. The plant will produce green hydrogen by electrolysis, using green electricity from wind power. To store our green hydrogen, we will be able to use nearby salt caverns by 2030.

In and around this port there are many companies with a large hydrogen requirement. Samenwerkende Bedrijven Eemsdelta (SBE), representing over a hundred companies, embraces the arrival of green hydrogen. The industry uses the hydrogen as a green feedstock. The locally produced hydrogen helps existing companies become more sustainable and makes the region attractive to new companies. A similar sound can be heard at the IndustrieCluster Oost Groningen, which unites seven manufacturing companies in the Veendam region. In time, they would like to connect to the backbone of HyNetwork Services, Gasunie's hydrogen infrastructure branch. CO₂ emissions could also be reduced earlier by mixing green hydrogen with natural gas, for example for heat processes of these production companies. We are also considering direct supplies via a pipeline between VoltH2 and the East Groningen Industry Cluster.